The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145   Message #2994103
Posted By: GUEST
26-Sep-10 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Garden Valley (Dougie MacLean)
Subject: Lyrics: garden valley-Dougie Maclean
All the websites (including Dougies) have:

This is really not my home
Oh where are you my lovely Jenny?

As the first two lines, wheras the second line sounds as though it aught to be:

With you my lovely Jenny

Whereas Dougie actually sounds like he sings:

Will you my lovely Jenny

...which grammatically seems odd.

BTW I have continued to try and seek membership here but the registration system says I am already registered (whi I am sure I am). I have emailed Joe but never heard back, so can't see how to become a member now?
