The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132312   Message #2994660
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Sep-10 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Subject: RE: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
"Somebody may contradict me on this, but I think his "right wing stance" is a canard."
His politics were, to say the least, somewhat enigmatic.
His father was an active supporter of Sir Oswald Mosely's fascist Blackshirts - I think a secretary of one of their branches, yet Peter openly disassociated himself from these views.
His unpopularity as a performer in certain quarters had nothing whatever to do with his 'right wing stance', percieved or otherwise. Rather it was his style that made him unpopular to the point of never being booked at some clubs. He once describes his own singing as his "Larry-the-Lamb imitatiions" when we spoke to him at the Walter Pardon concert at Cecil Sharp House, not long before he died.
Jim Carroll