The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132312   Message #2994801
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
27-Sep-10 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Subject: RE: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Peter was forthright and honest in his opinions. He never meant to give offence, he was so passionate about all forms of music, that he could not open his mouth without speaking the truth as he saw it. When Martin Carthy changed his style of singing in the 1980's it was Peter who challenged him to do so (in no uncertain terms-ask Martin!) and Martin says he was the only one to do so. Peter told me quite correctly, while sat in my front room, that I would never be a great singer (Yes like him, but he meant others as well) but I would always be very very competant (his words) in the same breath he was not above asking advice, and I swapped some ideas on guitar with him. In respect of his empty gig diary, we were chatting on the phone, and he asked me 'Nick how the **** do you get so much work?'I answered that it was because I was a persuasive bastard and wasn't averse to making a nuiscance of myself. He replied that he couldn't easily ring up and ask for a gig, he found it so embarrasing. He was a singer and performer, not a businessman in any shape or form. Peter needed our help, and the oxygen of the appreciation of his art.I was touring in Scandinavia when my wife Mally rang me. She is disabled, and was at Whitby festival with Sarah Grey. 'Peter Bellamy has been looking after me and helping my up and down the stairs. He also bought me a meal because I'm a bit low on cash until you come home' That was Peter Bellamy as I knew him. Brian Peters rang me up and told me the news of Peters death. I was so bloody angry. Who was I to interfere in his life or death or even his memory? but I wish he had made just one phone call to anybody anywhere on that night, I know we would have all been there for him and pulled him through and maybe carried that pain for him or with him until he felt stronger. We miss him.