The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25501   Message #299490
Posted By: Lepus Rex
17-Sep-00 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: another one lost
Subject: RE: another one lost
What a load. I doubt anyone's gone. 'Seasoned Mudcatter' is just some member who wants to control the direction of Mudcat with guilt. "Oh, some poor gal/guy couldn't deal with seeing thread names like 'what's your fave toothpaste' so s/he was forced to leave!" Boo-fuckin'-hoo. If annoying thread titles are the hardest thing this fake person ever has to live through, they're VERY fortunate.

There's plenty of pure music threads around. So they share more space with 'frivilous' threads now days. Don't read threads you know you won't like. Lots of folks do that, sticking only to music threads. I read both, myself, because I enjoy both kinds (though due to my limited knowledge of music, I may not post to many musical threads). There's nothing to bitch about.

And if you really feel the urge to bitch, at least grow some globes and use your member name.

---Lepus Rex