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Thread #127472   Message #2995039
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
28-Sep-10 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Now see, Bobert, There's a guy who 'gets it'!
Slags, You hit the head, pretty good yourself!

A couple of thoughts, I had while reading you post: "If the US has learned anything this cycle, it is that NOT all "CHANGE" is neccessarily a good thing. Change for change's sake can take you in directions that are NOT beneficial to you or the country."

Hey, next time somebody runs on 'Change', (either 'side'), how about being truthful, and just tell us what that 'change' is, first!...and IF its a 'good' change, make it happen....HONESTLY, and according to the Constitution, that you swore to uphold, and abide by, because if you aren't doing that, your whole act, is suspect!

Slags: "And then there's the out and out robbery through deficit spending. Never forget that he who holds the debit, owns the debitor!"

I said something very similiar in another post, something like, 'Those who you are in debt to, can control you'.....and their MOTIVE IS CONTROL.....resist! Live straight up.....and I expect you to do the same....'cuz if you lose my trust, then I'm against you!...and chances are, a lot others.

The biggest problem from my perspective is his trashing of the US Constitution, circumventing Congress (which isn't doing such a hot job either) and governing by decree (Executive Order is the "nice" language it's framed in) and it is looking about as close to a dictatorship as anything I've seen in American history, including the FDR years."

Absa-fucking-lutely!!!.........Did you know, as probably most others don't know, according to 'Black's Law Books', that Executive Orders, LEGALLY only apply to Washington D.C., Territories, and protectorates?...not to the 'States', unless we are in a state of emergency??....because it wasn't ratified, by the States?..nor voted on?

He just signed another one, that seems to have a LOT of people concerned. I got an e-mail from somebody, and I was told to read it, a while back, but I really haven't, yet, but I got the gist of it. It's a mind blower!

I should at least check it out, maybe post it........(went to find it).....Ok, I got it:

Hello Everybody,

"Here is another thing that Dr. Carley sent to me and I am passing along. This seems like the Other Shoe that dropped during the Oil Spill.

Here is the Executive Order #13544

I am saddened to say that on June 10th, 2010, Obama signed Executive Order #13544 which mandates that the US is adopting Codex Alimentarius. This legislation, *originating from the United Nations*, in effect, begins a worldwide campaign for massive hunger and starvation. We fought them for 5 years and defeated them in Congress each year. We also assisted Canada over those years and were successful in defeating C.A. in Canada too. As of today, I do not know what has happened in Canada regarding this dire situation.

Now, with a stroke of a pen, and quietly behind the scenes when everyone was focused on the Gulf Oil Spill, he effectively launched Codex Alimentarius in the US, which is intended to bring ALL vitamin and mineral supplements and natural health remedies and technologies to an end. The CDC and the HHS *can now make illegal*, all alternative health remedies and technologies. This bill renders all alternative health remedies "unscientific" and not provable by the FDA. This legislation is a huge step in population control, giving the pharmaceuticals full control over the health of all individuals, which is what the global socialists have wanted for years.

Look up the Executive Order and read it for yourself. But use and not Google. Google keeps records of your inquiries and sends all your inquiries to the NSA. does not."

Haven't read Exec order, but here's the e-mail...