The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #2995118
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
28-Sep-10 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
For many, bad language jars somewhat. I started out in life as a miner and was always amused at how we (I became as bad...) had two languages. the F'ing & blinding we used at work versus the "parlour" language we used in front of family.

Sadly, this bilingual approach to life seems to be fading away. My youngest is qualified up to the armpits and presently writing his PhD thesis, but still emails me using shortcuts and terms of phrase that I assume he doesn't use in his published papers... I left school with little in terms of qualifications and even those I had were technical rather than the arts. I failed English language and literature. But perhaps that shows irritation at poor language is not an elitist issue after all? I am saddened by poor use of language both orally and especially in internet posts / emails.

Having said all that, I assume most people would be comfortable with Emma Thompson's concerns whilst at the same time wishing to nurture local dialect and phraseology?

I would, by 'eck....