The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #2995245
Posted By: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)
28-Sep-10 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
I never realised Emma Thompson was such an over-excitable strange woman. She likes to over-share, just like she over-acts.

Recently on television she talked about how she needs to take time off as she's overstretched and depressed from the rigours of her acting work. She isn't exactly busy on the big screen these days as far as I can see. She went on and on about her great dislike of Audrey Hepburn's terrible acting, rich coming from someone failed in several relationships and living on anti depressions. A sad figure, rejected by men so hates the world and all in it as far as I can see.

She won't be fit to tie the shoe laces of Andrey Hepburn.