The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #2995313
Posted By: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)
28-Sep-10 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Language is a fluid thing that evolves over time. The last thing we want is a "correct" English or a "high" language like that of many other European languages. Why is "we was" incorrect? We all understand what is meant by it, so it performs its function.

Emma Thompson doesn't light up the screen like Audrey Hepburn. She has no "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on her resume. And as far as acting goes, she would do well to watch "Two for the road". I can't think of any Emma Thompson film that comes close. It's a little bit like Stephen Dorff saying John Wayne couldn't act.

I don't doubt at all that she means what she says, but my problem is her overall BITCHASSNESS about it. If she wanted to strictly criticize Audrey's performance in MFL, fine, no problemss with that. But she totally exaggerated it when she said Audrey couldn't act or sing.

Now, was Audrey the greatest at either? No, but she wasn't completely devoid of talent, and if Emma truly thinks that, well then maybe she should watch some of Audrey's lesser known films, such as War & Peace, Children of the Hour and Two For The Road. No one is asking Emma to worship Audrey, but if she's gonna put her down, she should at least get her facts straight. And acting isn't just about the technical ability to act, it's just as much about presence, personality and charisma, and Audrey had plenty of it.

So Emma, if you have nothing truly constructive to say, then next time keep it to yourself, you dumb bitch.