The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392 Message #2995322
Posted By: Les from Hull
28-Sep-10 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
My half-a-groat's-worth:
Language is constantly changing, sometimes it's changing a bit too fast for some of us.
On the subject of horses and hotels, I was taught that an 'h' that is pronounced aspirated does not require 'an'. Of course 'h' does not begin with an 'h' (aitch) so it does. Hotel would only need an 'an' if it is pronounced in the French manner, which is why posh people sometimes say this.
Yoof talk has always been with us. We all had slang expressions and pronunciations in our young days. Don't worry, they don't always last!
Yes, I get annoyed by certain language usage and pronunciation, the inability to sound 'th', 'less' instead of 'fewer', overuse of hackneyed phrases. I could go on. I often do. But I don't worry too much about it. I know that my superb English usage and pronunciation will always lead people to believe that I am the erudite and polished person wot I am.