The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392 Message #2995540
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Sep-10 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Well, as it happens, I do know her personally ~~ or did, a good while ago when she was a student actress & I was the Cambridge theatre critic for one of our leading national papers, The Guardian. I recall a conversation with her in the Cambridge ADC Theatre bar in which she made some resentful, and imo not-right-bright remarks about the function of the critic, which I found unimpressive ~~ unlike her performances, which I always admired greatly and still do. However, it will be gathered that we didn't particularly hit it off at the personal level.
But that is no reason to discount her opinions on language as expressed, which form the topic of this thread; and I can't see how accusations of snobbery apply at all. And I certainly don't see why she deserves to be publicly subjected to the abuse of stupid, vulgar little nonentities like Richie Black, whoever he may be, and whatever right or qualifications he may imagine himself to have for addressing her as a "dumb bitch". Richie Black, just take yourself off and learn some manners.