The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392 Message #2996312
Posted By: Lighter
29-Sep-10 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
What Emma Thompson and others object to, essentially, is ignorance, bad taste, and an absence of tact.
I think we can all agree those are bad things.
Arguments arise because there's little agreement on exactly which specific usages match those categories. Nor is it clear just how irritated we should get.
As others point out, there isn't much we can do anyway. You can try to teach kids not to use the most infuriating items in writing, but people will *say* whatever they want to.
People draw conclusions, justified or not, on the basis of speech. They do so even if you tell them not to, because just often enough the conclusions seem to be right. That's life. You deal with it as you wish.
Meanwhile, language takes it course. A hundred years from now, people may be astonished that anyone could ever have objected to "innit," for example. But we don't live a hundred years from now.