The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #2996369
Posted By: akenaton
29-Sep-10 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
What a rotten thread!
Attacks on Emma Thompson for expressing an opinion, then attacks on a guest for asking a civil question, then attacks on Miss Thompson's character and state of mental health.

Bruce... Emma Thompson is a fine British actress, daughter of Eric Thompson who wrote "The magic roundabout", a truly magical childrens tv animation. Emmas mother is also a fine actress.
The Thompsons lived quite near to me in Argyll when Emma was young, she now has a holiday house a few miles away and a see her quite often in our local supermarket. I have spoken to her and can assure all that she is no snob, wears ordinary country clothes and a wooly hat just like mine.... :0)

She is also correct in disliking slang language, which I feel is a symptom of the fact that young people no longer read as much as they should
Just another step in the dumbing down process.
Emma's role in "Howards End", alongside Anthony Hopkins, is my favourite.