The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #2996373
Posted By: Bill D
29-Sep-10 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
"...dialect and grammar, are two different things."

And indeed they are...and those examples were a delight to read in illustrating the quandary I suppose many Scottish students were confronted with at various times.

(I was really concerned more with dialect & 'accent' as manifested in spelling, though. In many old US books, attempts were often made (usually poorly) to approximate illiterate black or slave 'dialect' and pronunciation, often for humorous effect. I was trying to grasp how local speech patterns are treated in print in Scotland...and then I decided to look at online newspapers. I found 3 from Glasgow, all of which 'seem' to use formal 'English', no matter how many folks reading them would pronounce things if reading them aloud...I have no idea still if smaller, local papers would avoid standard English and use more colloquial language in print..... I hasten to add that, having quite a bit of Scots ancestry myself, I am quite in favor of the 'flavor' of local dialects being preserved, at least locally, even as technology and mass media tends to create a 'standard' form.

I wish I could travel before I get to my dotage....