The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392 Message #2996379
Posted By: Lox
29-Sep-10 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
"What Emma Thompson and others object to, essentially, is ignorance, bad taste, and an absence of tact."
I don't think that's the point at all.
I think its just about survival.
We live in society - and those with the best social skills have the best chance of succeeding.
Just as those with the best football skills have the best chance of being selected, those with good social skills will be chosen to be on societies many varied teams.
The more skills you have the better the team you get onto.
Language is an extremely important skill.
When your knowledge of language is poor, you are easily bullshitted because you have no way of knowing if you are beiong bullshitted or not.
A good grasp of language is a superbly effective first line of defense.
Poor kids today who speak street language grow up knowing that they have to fight for survival.
What they often don't know, because they haven't had someone to teach them, is that good language makes survival a whole lot easier.