The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #2996602
Posted By: MGM·Lion
30-Sep-10 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
A couple of days ago [28 Sep, 05.14 pm] I suggested to Richie Black that addressing Emma Thompson on a public forum like this as a "dumb bitch" was an unworthy and unmannerly thing to do. He responded in the following PM, which I do not regard as confidential: my remarks to him were here on open forum, so I feel his response may be of interest to readers of this thread and therefore reproduce it here:~

>>>Ah yesterdays man has found his voice, do you honestly think that I value the words of a washed up nobody such as yourself ? a snob without substance who failed in a number of responsibilities in his life ? I much prefer to look upon you as others do, "the guy who thinks he is a legend in his own lunchtime" Go fuck yourself you arsehole.<<<

I don't entirely understand all his points ~~ what does he purport to know of my career and its responsibilities or the extent to which they were fulfilled? ~~ but there it is, for what it's worth.

It appears that this fragrant fellow Mr Black constitutes a fine exemplar of all that Emma Thompson was animadverting against, in that he is apparently incapable of expressing himself without resort to 'bitch' or 'fuck' or 'arsehole''.

How pathetic!
