The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392 Message #2996845
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
30-Sep-10 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Hi, Tannywheeler. I just love "fer-MIJ-er-may-ter".
Often when little kids say these pronunciations, I find that the kid's way is easier to say. Try saying "refrigerator" very slowly. You will see that it involves swinging the tongue forward and back, as the 'r' s are said at the back of the throat, but the 'f' and 't' are pronounced at the front.
The kid's form is all at the front of the mouth and demands less co-ordination. Another kid's word that shows this is 'basketti' for 'spaghetti.' =============== Bonzo, don't despair over the cop who didn't pronounce 'burglary' the way we would. L's and R's run back and forth, changing places all the time. It's been going on for centuries, and not just in English.