The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #2996935
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Sep-10 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
"...anti-religious absolutists always feel compelled to jump in and say how wrong religion is"

Ignoring the faintly pejorative tone of that, that isn't what happens. Taking issue with some of the nasty things that goes on among some clerics is not saying how wrong religion is. Making cogent arguments against the existence of God is also not saying how wrong religion is. I happen to think that all religion is predicated on a deluded belief, but that doesn't mean that everything ever done in religion's name is wrong. There are religious people who have done a damn sight more good in this world than I ever have, but good things don't need religion in order to get done and never have. As for jumping in, that is not fair. There is no rule as far as I know that says certain topics should be a closed book to certain factions. I've never touched a flute in my life but I've just posted something in a flute thread on another forum. No-one's telling me to bugger off and stop jumping in. This is the internet, and we're not a dedicated-to-worship website or a prayer meeting. Nearly every thread I've ever posted anywhere that's lasted more than a few posts has been sidetracked. It's the nature of the beast. Cheer up and live with it.