The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2997817
Posted By: LilyFestre
01-Oct-10 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: on to Life!
Hi Everybody,

Thank you for the suggestions. I have discussed the ongoing anxiety with my oncologist and he gave me a huge script for Xanax. That's all well and good but it also makes me REALLY tired and I can NOT function that way with the baby so I don't take it. He also said that at my next appointment (which is a month from today unless I call on Monday for something sooner), we can talk about seeing someone to help me deal with the anxiety. It's not ALL the time but when it hits, it's bad. My head knows that more than likely I am fine as that is what all the tests say and the doctors are telling me but there's a voice inside of me that lives primarily in my chest and gut that says....what if? And I am blessed with an imagination that loves to RUN. So....maybe talking with someone about PTSD is something that will help.

Maybe the fiber will help too. LOL.

I love you people!
