The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #2998239
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Oct-10 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
These long entries are looking like stuff for a blog or another thread, Susan . . .

Alice, that's a cute photo.

Today I finished re-sorting and organizing my CDs. I had some of my own, mostly classical and folk, and I had a bunch of my fathers, that were about the same. These had more or less been merged for a while, but then last year I got that bin of 300+ CDs for $20. The woman was convinced no one would touch all of those high dollar classical CDs. Maybe she didn't know the names Angel, EMI, CBS, DGG, Telarc, etc. Anyway, I had them arranged on their own for a while so I could look at how the previous owner had collected, and enjoyed comparing versions of pieces, different conductors, etc. But this year I found I was having to hunt all over to find pieces I knew I had and that I no longer distinguished as those from the scholarly Mr. or Ms. X, and my own. So today I finished sliding my disks between those of the un-named collector. I had more Chopin, Haydn, and Vivaldi. We both have tons of Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart.

The house sounds so nice on weekends (especially when I get tired of the public radio pledge drives) to have classical music in the five-disk changer so it just keeps going and going. Making my selections for the afternoon means none of the nonsense from our local commercial classical radio station, where they play only one movement from a symphony then a half dozen commercials.

How's the canning going, Michelle? I've decided that today later (probably after dark) I'm going to slice up all of the peppers I have in the fridge and freeze them on trays. And I'm going to experiment with cubing, blanching, and freezing eggplant the way the Ball Blue Book says. And I'll finish the blog entry about my garden.