The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437 Message #2998298
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Oct-10 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Steve Shaw: "He was being sarcastic and dismissive of his questioner, that is plain. He was probably extremely pissed off with sycophantic people asking him that all the time,......."
Steve Shaw: "Your quote is evidence of absolutely nothing."
Steve Shaw: "...He was PROBABLY extremely pissed off...."
Is that an assumption?..'PROBABLY'????
GfS: "Your quote is evidence of absolutely nothing."..but HE DID SAY, what he said...I'm glad you were there, to report back to us about the mood he was in!