The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2998456
Posted By: LilyFestre
02-Oct-10 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: on to Life!
I'm not much of a night time snacker as my husband gets home late and we have a late dinner.

I did go to talk to someone at a nearby cancer center (closer than where I travel to) and she just kind of sat there and looked at me. No suggestions were given other than to try and take things a day at a time, to find a support group and to try journaling. I already do those things. She was a very kind woman but not at all helpful. I don't know what I expect....well...yes I do. I want some answers. I want to make the anxiety and cancer disappear forever. I want to know that I'm going to be ok. And no one can give me those answers. No one.

Anyway. I am sick of hearing this stuff in my own head...can't imagine what you all must be thinking. It will be fine. I will be fine.

Got to see a friend this evening who has had cancer and lost his hair before I did and has his normal hair back now. After church, I grabbed a hold of him and took off my chemo cap (my head was cold tonight...had the hat on most of the day) and said, "Hey Lou.....I've ALMOST got more hair than you!" He smiled a big hug and ran his hands through my hair commenting on soft it is.

:) Thanks Buddy. I needed that. I needed that familiar knowing smile tonight.
