The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132501   Message #2999886
Posted By: Ruth Archer
05-Oct-10 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: What is psych folk...?
Subject: RE: What is psych folk...?
Well, your obnoxious turn of phrase in slagging off other musicians - saying that listening to their CDs made you want to throw up - was certainly what inspired me to new heights. You do have an exceptionally high regard for both your own music and your own tastes - the evidence is spread over Mudcat for anyone who cares to look. I can't help finding it kind of funny that anyone who thinks your music is, for want of a better phrase, acres of self-regarding wank, must, by your own criteria, simply be too parochial or thick-eared to "understand" it.

So do feel free to simply write me off, dear Spinachy O'Popeye. I am clearly inhabiting a lesser musical plane than yourself, but am quite happy to wallow down here with the other sad, limited and misinformed parochials. Have fun with the elves.