The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132392   Message #3000097
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
05-Oct-10 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Subject: RE: BS: Emma Thompson attacks poor language
Hi, Dave. You wrote "I thought that "innit" was entering the English language to compensate for the lack of an equivalent phrase to the German "nicht wahr", innit/nicht wahr."

You are right. Trouble is, innit is missing a letter - it's dialect for "isn't it?"

Funny thing about Emma Thompson's contempt for 'innit.' I just read an escapist novel set in London and involving the person who was 34th in line for the throne. She had an upscale acquaintance named Featherstonehaugh - pronounced, of course, 'Fanshaw.'

She could (but didn't) have had another friend named Cholmondelay (pronounced 'Chumley.') They could have gone to Saint ('Sen') Joseph's Church and seen a girl (gel) along the way, but they didn't.

My point is that all these sloppy pronunciations are considered posh, and it's 'in' to know them. However, if a poor person leaves the s out of 'isn't it' his language is deemed ugly, and he's vulgar and ignorant.

Not very logical is it?