The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3000606
Posted By: Bobert
05-Oct-10 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
The Tea Party has been preachin' more "indiviual responsiblity" and less "societial responsbility" but there are some major problems with their economic theories...

First, they assume that there is a level playing field between the monied class and the working class... That is wrong as the monied class, especially afetr the "Citizens" ruling by the Supremes can buy whatever government they want and therefore get exactly what they want in the way of tax lo9opholes, regs, government contracts, etc...

But secondly, if the model is to privatize everything down to fire and olice protection there is a pojnt where there isn't enough money left, fater Boss Hog has scooped it all up, for the working class to be able to afford police and fire protection... Not to mention that the monied class controls employement...

So, yeah, on paper the Tea Party folks may think this can work out but in reality, with no decent paying jobs left and no money left in the working class then we are heading for...

...Amerika, after the Thunder Dome...

I find it incredulous that so many people who will be hurt the most by this "Atlas Shugged" corpoarte move to take all the marbles are out there campaigning for their own demise???

This economic model has no chance of being sucessfull... Zero... Zilch...Nada... Yet millions of uneducated people are out there fighting for the privatization of everything???

I guess this is what we get when a society decides that what it needs is more epsilons and less folks who can actaully, ahhhh, think???
