The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132528   Message #3000737
Posted By: r.padgett
06-Oct-10 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: What fRoots thinks of Mudcat
Subject: RE: What fRoots thinks of Mudcat
I have no interest in froots at all

I do find Living Tradition a bit more in my vein of what folk music in Britain is and should be, and can even stand the "pipes" for a bit in all their different forms

Social History through folk song, our traditional way of life, more importantly our current/living memories of the last 50 to current day interests and experiences should be paramount (traditionalist singers) ~ reflected through folk song.

I do think that the standards of instrumental musicianship of the younger artists has risen greatly over the last 25 years, brilliant.

Folk song clubs are smaller events still I believe needing communicators as well as good songs (most important to me) with good music ~ I play concertina very badly!!

Maybe lack of verbal communication has led to bigger louder folk bands and arm waving (definitely NOT a folk festival thing, in my view!) ~ No no I love Bellowhead and they have good nusicianship whilst keeping faith as traditionalist singers

Folk clubs and festivals must still have "Entertainment" at their root and so what if these spawned folk comedians, they did at least communicate in words, language of the UK that all understand. In many ways they have contributed to the understanding of our current and past ways of life and of being

Musicians love to play and will do so in the belief that everyone can join in (not so!) although I can enjoy music and whistle along (badly no doubt)

Folk music is, in my belief about words, not the accompaniment, predominantly, and though it is good to hear traditionalist music and other similar played well it is a "filler", but still does to a certain degree "entertain"

Some of the current crop of musicians are ignoring our "traditionalist" approach in favour of navel gazing, self interest songs ~ I like the music often but not all the sentiments are understood or shared [by me]

Brain dead mudcatter
