The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132442   Message #3000834
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
06-Oct-10 - 07:26 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Tony Curtis at 85 (Sept 2010)
Subject: RE: Obit: Tony Curtis at 85
Da cassle uv my fadda was - I think - uttered in The Black Shield of Falworth, a medieval yarn which IIRC also had Janet Leigh in it. She went to high school with my Dad for awhile, and one of his old yearbooks had her photo in it, a very pretty (and much darker-haired) Jeanette Morrison (if memory serves - haven't seen it in years).

In the right parts, Tony could be great - maybe because they were the ones which didn't require him to be too different from his natural self. But that natural self was always very watchable, and with a good script it worked some magic. He was one of those actors who leads with his looks and personality rather than someone like, say, Streep, who really changes persona and incorporates an entirely different character. But there's room in the starry pantheon for both. Goodbye to yet another part of my past -