The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23183   Message #3000979
Posted By: Jim Dixon
06-Oct-10 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: That Old Tattooed Lady
Subject: Lyr Add: THE TATTOOED LADY (Skeets McDonald)
You can hear this version at YouTube:

Johnny White and his Rhythm Riders with Skeets McDonald

VERSE: Once I married a tattooed lady. (Well, tell me 'bout 'er, Skeets!)
It was on a cold and winter day,
And tattooed all around her body, (What was that?)
Was the map of the good ol' USA;
And ev'ry night before I'd go to sleep, (Wha'dja do?)
I'd jerk down the quilt and I'd take a peep.

SPOKEN: Good gracious alive!

CHORUS: Upon her leg was Minnesota,
On her shoulder, Tennessee,
And tattooed on her back
Was good old Rackensack*,
The place where I long to be.
Upon her [WOLF WHISTLE] was West Virginny.
Through them hills I just love to roam;
But when the moon begin to shine down on her Wabash,
That's when I recognized my Indiana home.


[* He pronounces it "Rackumsack." Rackensack is an old name for Arkansas.]