The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #3001500
Posted By: mg
06-Oct-10 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
I don't want to clog up a thread here, but this is life and death for some people. It is related to so much heart disease, it is diabetes frankly. They figure 80% of overweight people have it. You absolutely must get your insulin levels checked, and they will refuse to do it so pay forit yourself. Cure is carbs (by which I mean those starches and sugars..not green vegetables) to very few to a fair amount, depending on age, metabolism, number of pancreatic cells killed from too many carbs already. Dr. Robert Thompson is on Amazon and has several books out. If this did nothing else but keep people off so many multiple drugs it is worthwhile. But this knowledge is out there, Sanford University was leading the charge...COuld save many lives and disabilities and reform health care in this country. mg