The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132500   Message #3001945
Posted By: GUEST,Gallus Moll
07-Oct-10 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Braes o' Appin (Iain Ingram)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Braes o' Appin (Iain Ingram)
I'll suggest that to him T.B.! (cds to Lauries / Ballads Club)
- I am also going to work on him (i.e. nag, try to get his original versions of at least some of the songs onto y*u t*b* (not sure if one is allowed to mention other sites?) so that people can hear how Iain composed them - one has no control over the 'folk process', but it is good to be able to start off with the writer intended, maybe learn the story behind the song?!