The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3002144
Posted By: Bobert
07-Oct-10 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
No, bruce... I am merely counterpunching a cyber-stalker who has stalked me for years from one website to another... There is no reason on Earth why I should give him what he wants... He uses this joint as his own personal Bobert obsessive compulsive playground... He interjects stuff that has no relevence to the topics... I short, he is not worth my time because he isn't being honets with either himself or the folks here...

Believe you me, I have tried to accomodate his every little obsessive compulsive thread drift and criticisms of me but he has no real job in life other that being my personal irritant...

If you think he wins by me ignoring him, fine... He wins... Who the fuck cares... I have a life without having to get sucked into his little mental illness ballgame...

(Oh, that sounds personal, Boberdz...)

No, I worked for a couple decades with people with mental illnesses of one variety or another and it is my choice to deal with him when he is saner than what we have seen of late and to ignore him when he going thru these things...

Tell ya' what, bruce... You get some asshole out there in cyber world stalk and harass you from one place to another and after awhile, for the pure sake of yer own peace, you quit playing their games...

Frankly, I have complained to the powers-at-be and they say "tough it out"... If I had the dough I would hire an investigator to find out who this jerk is and pursue criminal or civil charges against him but I don't so...

...I just ignore the nutball... If you think that makes him the winner, fine... Vote for him for God... I really don't give a danged, one way or another...
