The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132613   Message #3002532
Posted By: greg stephens
08-Oct-10 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Travelodge trying to close music venue (UK)
Subject: RE: Travelodge trying to close music venue (UK)
Richard Bridge may know a lot about English law, but his knowledge on the local complainers about the Old Brown Jug seems to be derived from one letter to the Sentinel. Which letter, incidentally, sheds no light whatever on how long the residents have lived in Stanier St, so I do not know why he asserts that they have lived there long before modern amplification existed. There have extraordinarily large numbers of letters in the Sentinel supposting the pub, by the way, and only one against.
Personally, I hate noisy music in pubs. I also love the Old Brown Jug. I dont go there on noisy nights!
If anyone would like some practical knowledge of this situation, so they can judge from their own experience, come to the Old Brown Jug on the afternoon of Dec 19, when I will be playing there with the Boat Band.I hope it won't be too noisy, and guests at the Travelodge are welcome to come.