The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3002703
Posted By: Bobert
08-Oct-10 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
First of all, I doubt very seriously if Obama referred to his stimulis bill as "voodoo economics"... Of course, the Repubs have shown that no matter what Obama does they are agsinst it so when the stimulis saves or creates a couple million jobs the Repubs just scream "not so" as if by6 screaming that makes it any less yet another Repub BIGASS LIE!!! Only flat earth so-called economists go along with that lie... The real economists will tell ya that the Repubs lie is just that: a lie!!! But nuthin' new 'cause the Repubs have learned that most of their base isn't concerned with, ahhhh, the truth or reality...

As for the unemployement??? Yeah, back when the predictions were made there was thinking that the unemployement would cap at 8 to 9%... Reality has set in and what we are seein' is a concerted effort by the corporations to push their employees harder and harder, not make the new-hires and hope to get to November with a Repub take-over thinking that the few "changes" that have occured in terms of regs will be voided and it will ba back to the failed system that got US here...

Meanwhile, looks as if these corporation are pouring cash into attack ads against Dems without having to say who they are??? Hmmmmmmm??? I mean, even an accused has the right to face the accuser... But thanks to the legislative mood of the Alito/Roberts Court we now have complete secrecy for corporations to buy up as much government as they need to keep the rich getting richer and everyone else goig backwards... BTW, over the last 30 years the candidate who spend the most wins 90% of the time... Do the math...
