Let us make a philosophical analogy and pretend for a moment that Mudcat = Life. There is no doubt that the events and social construct are similar if not just a subset. (One difference is that LIFE may in fact have a GOD, where Mudcat certainly does not. This simply means that the Mudcat is up to us to create and maintain which is a blessing and a burden, without THE BIG GUY'S HELP.)Leaving the Mudcat would be like committing suicide in Life. By opening a discussion about it beforehand you are simply crying out for help or grasping for attention just as most suicide threats attempt to do.
When people do this in reality, that is threaten to kill themselves, are they naively trying to get the world to change around them when in fact it is them that needs to change? After all, the world is wholly indifferent.
Perhaps the change is just some needed tolerance to NOT take Life so personal or serious.
Perhaps these victims are asking for a perfect world, one personal to them, not taking into consideration the thousands upon thousands of other people in this world who also have self interest. This may be an egocentric disorder, or just selfishness.
Perhaps it is true pain or disdain. Even so, is killing yourself a justifiable scenario in dealing with true concepts?
In Life and On Mudcat:
...You have control of your environment and your actions. You can choose to get and take and give what you want and refuse the rest.
...You may think that you, just one person, could not change this world when in fact you might.
...All we can really do is show by example.
...Create WHAT IS with our collective desires, passions, beliefs, personalities, etc. Life is what you make it. (and without The Big Guy's help the Mudcat sure is what we make it!)
Members come and go, we have to deal with that, but now we're scaring away the new folks. Lets get some love in the air! huh folks? Take that energy that you waste on complaining and spread some joy, kind words, and music threads for GOD'S sake.