The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119219   Message #3003551
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
09-Oct-10 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: Sea Chanteys/Shanties page-Gibb Sahib
Subject: RE: Welcome to my Sea Chanteys/Shanties page
This is an update on this project.

With this ballad, The Flying Cloud , I have completed the learning and recording of all the English-language songs in Hugill's un-abridged SHANTIES (1961).

I don't intend to try to learn all the various other languages to sing the non-English songs. Perhaps I will try to learn a few, but I'd rather put my energy/time elsewhere. To be fair, *most* of the non-English shanties in the text were culled by Hugill from other collections and, though he was quite talented at languages, I don't believe he really knew *that* many of them by heart. (He knew an impressive amount, but not everything!)

In any case, I formally invite anyone who has a good grasp of those languages to record versions, which I hope to add to the YouTube playlist. Please contact me here or on YouTube if you're interested.

As always, I'd love to hear/see other interpretations of "Hugill's" chanties on YouTube, by which I mean versions performed by people consciously engaging with his text. I welcome those as "video responses."

I would like to celebrate this milestone with a tot of rum, but I'm dirt poor and working off a dead horse right now. Perhaps in a month.

Gibb, a.k.a. Ranzo, the greenhorn who decided to learn "all" the chanties and become a little less green in the process.