The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3003602
Posted By: Donuel
10-Oct-10 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
You can NOT beat sawz logic.
Do not even try.

Jobs in America will only return when it becomes even cheaper to employ Americans than to hire Chinese, Cambodians, Phillipnos or Indonesians.

Thats why a minimum wage will always be unsustainable. The livable wage is a myth and hasn't existed for 30 years in the USA. The Commies were purged from American workforce and goverment by heros like Father Flannagan and Joe McCarthy who were pioneers to ridding America of the scourge of the Communist quote "livable wage".
The minimum wage brought this country to its knees, not Wall St. financiers. The minumum wage is simply a bonus we simply can not afford.

The average family of 7 working at $1.30 an hour will make more money than one person working for today's minimum wage!
That is of course once those crazy self defeating liberal child labor laws get repealed.

The beauty of the new wage structure is that the US will no longer attract the illegal flies from across the boreder that were eating our picnic.

Then and only then, along with the abolition of all unions, will business in America return with a vengence. Don't forget, the business of America is business, its not Social Security or Medicare or Welfare or giving racist entitlements to ghetto tramps. The only patriots who understand this are the white Christians who founded this country and continue to operate all its businesses. All others are aliens or traitors to the ideals of Real Americans.

The White Power structure of Christian America will take care of those who may be in true need. However if those in need are slovenly and poor due to their own laziness and indolence they deserve whatever happens to them. That is why nearly half of all those in prison are urban ghetto trash.

The industrious ants will inherit the wealth this nation while the lazy grasshopper will perish in the cold of winter. So honor every man woman and CHILD who are willing to build America back to its former glory with wages comparable to the wages of 1930. This is when all our greatest modern landmarks were built like the Hoover Dam and the Empire State Building.

As for other nations helping us to defeat the Socialists in this country, more power to them. In the Revolutionary war we had help from the Prussians and even France before it became a nation of fags.
This is a war against the progressive communists and any help is welcome, be it from Bahrain or Saudi Arabia or India or China etc.

Until this country gets its wages down to a sustainable level we need to outsource every American job possible to sustain our compassionate green corporations.

Until we hear Mr. Barry Obama apologize to BP you can be assured that he is nothing more than an anti colonial Socialist redistributing your wealth to bleed our patriotic businesses dry.


With logic like that, why would you even bother trying to argue with sawz, or his ilk.

Sawz right wing party line, like stupidity, can not be beaten or reasoned with.
It is the bedrock of this great nation.

None the less, you should never allow anyone to steal and change your history, defile your young with less education or steal everything you spent a lifetime to sustain yourself and your American family.