The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132312   Message #3003673
Posted By: raymond greenoaken
10-Oct-10 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Subject: RE: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Well, I'll throw my potsherd in for Merlin's Isle Of Gramarye (1972). Fairly early in his recorded oeuvre – he was only 28 at the time - but its impact for me was tied in with the fact that it's the first of his records on which the sheer blast and serrated edges of his voice had been captured successfully on tape. Suibhne's right, of course – you had to hear him in the flesh to experience the Bellamy pipes at full operating capacity.

Plus the songs themselves are quite monstrously good, and the arrangements perfectly honed. Nic jones' fiddle accompaniments are the very pip. If Pan played the fiddle he's sound like that. And then of course there's Harp Song Of The Dane Women, on which PB sailed well beyond the sight of land and produced something the like of which had never been heard before, a thing of sheer uncompromising otherness. And all with a cheap guitar and a bodhran made out of a garden seive.

Having said all that, Songs And Rummy Conjurin' Tricks captures a giant in his pomp. His last thrill and testament!