The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132312   Message #3003686
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
10-Oct-10 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Subject: RE: Boring, Bleating Old Traddy (Peter Bellamy)
Oddly enough my favourite on MIOG remains The Queen's Men; the rest of it is as anomalous a piece of wyrdness as you could wish for in the context of folk. Seminal I calls it, with respect of the primal muse that moved RK to write such stuff in the first place, let alone for PB to give it such chthonic resonance. When will it see long overdue re-issue from the Argo vaults in a gleaming digital edition with OA&K? Maybe when some mobile phone company uses Song of the Men's Side as an advert soundtrack. For those who don't know THIS is a good place to find out.