The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #3003826
Posted By: katlaughing
10-Oct-10 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
I did one of those drawers a month or two ago, SRS. Good luck!:-)

Two loads of wash going. Morgan spent the night and was quite good..didn't wake me until 730a and that was from a d-e-e-p, finally restful sleep. Oh,w ell, it was fun. I got the laundry going and we watched Fred Astaire dance videos while Rog made breakfast.

We dropped him off at home around 10a, then we went back to the wildlife trail we'd walked on a week before our dog died. That was his last *outing*. Anyway, we walked down the trail even farther this time and I didn't have to have any help. Still had to stop a couple of times coming back up, but not for lack of breath...more because the muscles in my legs were saying "you want me to what?!!" Ah, it felt GOOD, though! So, about 20-30 minutes of good, steep hiking and now I am just about to sweep the house out. There's not near as much to sweep any more without the dog's hair, but *someone* left a paper towel in his pocket and there are dry bits of it all over the floor from when I pulled the clothes out of the drier. (I do not do pockets. Never have.:-)