The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25501 Message #300408
Posted By: GUEST,Alex
18-Sep-00 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: another one lost
Subject: RE: another one lost
As someone who has been a DT contributor from way back and posts to the music-related threads where I can help, my general rule of thumb (although I hate to "generalize" I made an exception in this case) is - If there are more than 20 posts it has usually degenerated into BS and I ignore it. If someone has a legitimate request and it has not been answered in the first 5-10 replies it is usually so obscure that even the mudcat experts don't know or it was a BS request in the first place. (Well, sometimes, they get ten BS replies that are no help at all.) I remember that we once tried to persuade folks to announce BS threads by putting BS in the thread title. Can we try to do that?