The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #3004115
Posted By: Ed T
10-Oct-10 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
"Belief in God, if it leads to affiliation with a major organised religion, exposes you to those bad attitudes."

I suspect it could expose you to the bad organized religion stuff. And I guess if, and it is a big if, you are gullible, you could be caught in the spiral....and there is a danger with driving on the highway. A belief in democracy could also lead you into some bad does that mean democracy is bad and should not be persued?

But, most folks in todays world (especially in the west) are independant thinkers and have gone beyond believing and supporting the bad aspects of organized religions....unfortunately, mainly from bad experiences. Increasingly, many folks take the time to interpret their own connection to God as adults, rather than following bogus leaders or brainwashing a conveniently self-serving set of messages, as in the past.

At an early age I exposed my two children to what I see as the positive aspects of my belief in a God. However, I carefully encouraged them to be free thinkers. My son of 22 claims to be an atheist, and I respect his free thought and decision (he is a very analytical and scientific thinker). My daughter of 24 is much like me, a believer in the Christian God, though a free thinker is an open and skeptical thinker, but she is not a follower of any organized version of religion. The belief in God (or not) has never been a hang up of any type in my immediate family.