The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #3004839
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
11-Oct-10 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
In spite of its ignorant arrogance the US does NOT 'rule the world', and sooner or later when it is just another 3rd world country and broke - all the rich people will migrate to a "Real Cuntry', don't you worry about that, the hard lessons will hit home with vengeance. China and India are bypassing the US already anyway, so hang in there and enjoy the ride.

We do have a lot of 'failed Yanks' turn up here and assume that our country is just part of the USA, and try to 'educate' our politicians and businessmen - we recently kicked out the arrogant bullying overpaid Yank idiot who was appointed to run Telstra - he ran the share price right down, and cut back on service, which encouraged many to leave the fold of an Aussie company and go to companies run by overseas interests who give better service and prices to the extent that an organization that was well loved is now not liked :-) and he took his millions of dollars golden handshake with him. Now the share price has started to rise, and Telstra has stopped trying to bully politicians in the same way that works in the USA.

In Australia, we have 2 separate schools systems.

We have the taxpayer funded State School system, Primary and High, in which teachers are not supposed to preach Religion during classes - but that didn't stop my Physics teacher insisting on all of us doing the Lord's Prayer if you hit him first period of the day. He was our 'Form Teacher', so we did usually 4 days out of 5 - we just shut up and tolerated it - so did most parents in the 60s. He was a devout RC and a great guy, well loved by all students - he would tell us - "you have to give this back in the exam - I don't understand all of why it is so, so just trust me" - and most of his class would get A s or Bs. I met him later, when he was teaching Formal Logic and he was a brilliant teacher, helping me grasp concepts that many here in this forum display a complete lack of. I was upset when he died of cancer, but he had smoked like a chimney.

We also have the 'Religion' period once a week (primary & secondary schools) where all the local pastors (or any other loud mouth self important clown with no teaching training quals who would not have been allowed to teach any other 'subject') were allowed by law to come in and continue the brainwashing conducted at Sunday School. Only a very few were allowed by their parents to go off and study maths or whatever. Personally I would have benefited long term life wise more by that....

Then we have the 'Private' School system - now also funded massively by taxpayer funds to win the 'Church Vote'. Most of these used to be the RC or a few other Religions such as CoE or Lutheran based schools - both Primary and Secondary. Most of them smear Religion into all subjects, as per their published prospectuses. There are also nowadays may other private schools, based on all sort of pedagogical 'principles' - any sort of brainwashing is tolerated - there are regular fusses when the State insists that students leaving these schools must be able to read and write (and not just major in 'theology', Lego or 'dancing to music', or 'orgonne color therapy', or whatever), and if they actually do subjects with 'Science Content' that certain formalized subject matter is taught and tested - we have Senior level tests that supposedly test if one has sufficient levels in various subjects to allow University entry.

I've mentioned here previously what happens when some of these students hit University and try to submit Science papers that only quote from the Bible ....