The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25561   Message #300526
Posted By: paddymac
19-Sep-00 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Los San Patricios?
Subject: Songs about 'Los San Patricios'?
During the period involving of the US invasion of Mexico, there were a number of men, mostly Irish, who deserted from the American Army and joined the Mexican army. They became know as "Los San Patricios". Tom Berenger did a movie about them a couple of years ago, titled "One man's Hero". Primarily an atrillery brigade, many of them were captured at the Battle of Churubusco Convent, and several hung by Gen. Winfield Scott as the US flag went up over Mexico City. Scott's dramatic hanging of the men was considered at the time as "statement" largely designed to boost his posture in his campaign for the presidency. Fortunately, his campaign failed. Los San Patricio's are well loved in Mexican history, but virtually unknown in US history. Not surprising, but sad. I have been trying to find a song about them, but have had no luck at all. If any 'catter knows of a song about the San Patricios, I'd grateful for your help.