The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25501   Message #300529
Posted By: dwditty
19-Sep-00 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: another one lost
Subject: RE: another one lost
Call me shallow, folks, but I just plain love the mudcat. Plenty of people have come and gone. Some were cool, some were not, so I miss some and don't really miss others. Who remembers Shula, Gene, Elwood Delta, Earl, Peter (from San Diego-I think he first posted the "How to write a blues song" thread), and the list goes on. It doesn't bother me much if folks decide to leave, and most just stop coming by without any word of farewell. Sure I miss 'em, but it ain't life and death here people. There are still plenty of kind folks around - some will stay, some will go, news ones will do the same. In thinking about it, I wouldn't trade out any of the new folks here to get the old ones back. After all, what would hearme be like without Mbo. Almost every post Giac makes cracks me up. And those pesky woodchucks from up north. And Biskit driving his truck around the country, hooking up with Mudcatters along the way. So, in my mind, our little space here keeps changing - not better, not worse, just changing. If you like it you'll stay. If you don't you won't. No offense taken here if you do leave. I hope you feel the same.

