The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130377   Message #3005432
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Oct-10 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2010 Program Planning
Subject: RE: Getaway 2010 Program Planning
As one of the senior 'Catters (along with Jeri and Joe) at The Getaway, I can assure all that planning is far from "protected-hidden". I can point out any number of threads over the years in which the opinions of folkies and Mudcatters was sought and acted on by this committee. But I would point out one thing. This is an FSGW event. It is sponsored, planned and owned by them. FSGW is a vernerable and much respected organization, and that is because it's members match that same description ("venerable" might get me in trouble, but you get the drift). Nancy, as well as all of the FSGW volunteers (read that word twice,please) give up great amounts of their precious time out of love for this music and the people that perform it. The democracy of the event comes from their seeking input, but at some point someone has to make the decisions. One need only focus on how they felt leaving that blessed event to know how successful they are. Mudcatters from around the world have become an integral and important part OF the event, but it is the dues paying members and activist volunteers of FSGW that make it happen and give us the chance to come together as we do.

Want more say? Step right up here, sign on the dotted line, pay the dues, volunteer to spend large quantities of your precious personal time, and have at it.

Lest anyone mistake my tone, it is not pejoratively aimed at Sandrolin/gene-peace who are wonderful persons. And I take gene's point, even if I am not quite sure it is appropriately on the mark. But it is very important for Mudcatters to understand that the event is something we latched onto. We have contributed mightily, but the event organizers have devoted large amounts of their adult folk lives to this thing. I, for one, am in their debt.

All the best,
