The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25501   Message #300614
Posted By: Jeri
19-Sep-00 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: another one lost
Subject: RE: another one lost
Pedantic bit - I think "Lesley" is both male and female spelling, and "Leslie" is usually female. In any case, I believe the person we're speaking about is female. I agree the website is great, and one of my favorite places on the web.

On the guilt trip SM is attempting to lay on us - I have no contol over other people's minds, computers or "Submit Message" buttons. You may wish to hold us all (including yourself) responsible, but it's an unrealistic wish. We may wish that the person who has left hadn't felt as angry as he did, and didn't blame everyone here - including friends - for what a few people said. This is probably just as unrealistic.

The person in question would probably enjoy a moderated list somewhere, where the types of things you mentioned in your first post are censored. That's just about the only way to keep certain topics or viewpoints from being discussed. Of course, not one person has the opportunity to learn something new if that happens, but perhaps it's not worth the risk. (note irony, please)