The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127386   Message #3006305
Posted By: GUEST,Johnny Green
13-Oct-10 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: Problems Calton Cases of Canada?
Subject: RE: Problems Calton Cases of Canada?
I have no relationship with Stenvenson, I first commented here ONLY to inform people of the existence of the company. I find it very strange that I have people belittling me when all I did was provide information. This is a discussion about fiberglass cases right?

So whats up with certain persons using this thread to "lament" about how great Caltons cases are.

And then when i come in and suggest an alternative two separate messages pop up in an extremely timely fashion; one doubting the existence of an acceptable flight case that isn't a Calton,The other going off on some nonsacle rant about bluegrass players being "more discriminating" musicians then concluding that they CAN only use a Calton brand case.

It isn't too far of a stretch too assume both of these messages came from someone at Calton. I see this type of thing happening frequently on the web, most specifically though, message boards.

There are even people who's careers is to generate "positive secondary media source material" which means these people get paid to go around the web pretending they are some random joe who is delivering authentic reviews of any given commercial product. These people are well paid.