The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130377   Message #3006600
Posted By: Sandrolin
14-Oct-10 - 01:52 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2010 Program Planning
Subject: RE: Getaway 2010 Program Planning

Hello. The only way I can think of responding to your open message to me is by an open message back to you and to the group.

First; I should bring to your attention the fact that for several years now I have become an acknowledged icon on more than just a few serious and diverse music sites; my free-form poetic postings on these sites have not only become accepted but this/my style has become expected to add completion and otherwise ward off the liklihood of the site becoming cold and encyclopedic. I apologize for assuming that my established poetic format doesn't work on this apparently very more serious site. It was decidedly not my intention to come across as snide or snarky.

So let's begin again in the necessarily formal way that this site apparently requires,

My name is Sandra Koppel. I am an Education Specialist. My responsibilities and interests largely involve organizing events, conferences and workshops. Before I moved to the east coast I worked for 30 years for the Calif. Dept. of Education in the capacity of team leader organizing conferences and retreat events.

I've tried to keep my joy of music and my music postings very separate from my professional world.

So follows is my comments in my professional mode:
Why can there not be a formalized method for evaluation, planning and reflection solicited and built into the last day of the Getaway? (Or by some other formalized process)

You (Nancy) answered as follows- "... it would be time consuming."

My response is as follows:
My own experience with formalized reflection and evaluation of events has NOT proven to be time consuming. We used a simple multiple choice form and comment section that was distributed before the participants left. Our team met soon after in a short meeting to review the results of these feedback forms. Generally: they gave us focus and direction and kept us from over-biasing in favor of old & stale ideas. The small amount of time invested was well rewarded with impressive suggestions, perspectives and positive end results

My third question was in reference to where and how the planning ideas were generated.
I suggested that planning conversations were apparently limited to a very few persons comprising of a select group.

You responded that it was NOT true that there is no legitimate direct method of evaluation.
You mentioned that the Mudcat site, PMs, e-mail communication directly to committee members was the "understood" method.

Again with my own experience in mind:
Sandra's response: Though in some situations we dreaded it:-) , we (organizers) wore BIG red badges so that the participants clearly could spot us, confront us right there on site to make comments and ask important questions and give us input.
In the case of Getaway 2010 I am sorry to admit that I do not know who the committee members are/were.
It was a tremendously great time ..with top rate performers and workshops and I would have liked the opportunity to face to face make my congratulations if only I could have identified you with a big red badge.

At any rate -- I hate to do this horn tooting and over reliance on my academic credentials but with my 30 years of logistics and problem solving for events experiences I can't help but feel like jumping in with some proposals and suggestions with which I truly believe could be positive and useful to the over-all organization.

Sandra Koppel (I prefer responses to my e-mail address)
(aka Sandrolin, the other elf in the Peace Cabin).

PS-Oh and Bill I would love to discuss some possibly good ideas and suggestions with you concerning the *interesting* top bunk problem that you mentioned. My proposals would also address membership problems which I believe might be inextricably linked :-)

PPS Again I prefer direct e-mail responses to me at .

PPPS and to Amos just thanks. The mention you gave of the Washington Square free-form jams caught me in the softest part of my heart..... those free form free wheeling on-going ballad sessions produced and enhanced the careers of an incredible amount of significant talent.