The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132413   Message #3006631
Posted By: mouldy
14-Oct-10 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Subject: RE: BS: October+ fall declutter & accountability
Cookie reset yet AGAIN.
Might (somehow) be due to me using my new notebook since the weekend.

Woken up to a very stiff back, but I am about to wade into the pile of loft stuff so that Ruth can get into her bedroom tomorrow!

New bit of clutter has arrived...Bill brought the banjo with him when he came to the session last night. So there's now an old Gretch propped up against the sofa. Seeing as it looks like I may be a long time without satellite tv, due to the house being listed and in a conservation area, it's another thing to keep me going during the winter. If the conservation officer finds a suitable site for the dish, I then have to apply for planning permission, which would take several weeks at least to come through.

