The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132754   Message #3006683
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Oct-10 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Well, there are many Boss Hawgs, Bobert, not just one. It's a complex situation. There are a very large number of these grossly manipulative advertisers out there working for a very large number of huge commercial concerns, and their collective influence on our governments and lawmakers is massive. It's dominating the agenda, it's dominating the media, and it's dominating most people's lives.

As Sawzaw points out, people have the power in their own hands to defeat these entities by not letting themselves BE manipulated, but most people aren't really aware they have that power...or they're too distracted...or they're too lazy and self-indulgent to take up the potential power they have and use it...or they're just confused.

It's time that people here on this forum...and in society in general...stopped letting themselves by maneuvered into an "us and them" mentality and driven to these polarized opposite positions that the media concocts (like "liberal" and "conservative", for instance)....and actually listened to one another's deep concerns for a change rather than demonizing and attacking one another and hurling personal insults.


We are not stereotypes. We are not the monsters that we carry around in our political anxiety closets.

We really DO essentially all want the same basic things. We want people to be happy and prosperous. We want people to be safe and to get good health care. We want truth in advertising and honesty in government. We want employment in good jobs for those who need work. We want justice and fairness. We want transparency. We want the truth.


Let's try, for goodness sake, to understand and respect one another instead of letting ourselves by constantly manipulated into hating and dismissing one another by the few greedy marketing forces at the top of the power pyramid whom you characterize as "Boss Hawg".

Don't let them win by turning us against each other and causing us to waste our energy in personally attacking each other when we all truly want a better life for humanity.