The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132754   Message #3006901
Posted By: Donuel
14-Oct-10 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Being manipulated is not an evil when it is done for the good.

The most glaring examples of manipulation like Glen Beck and all the talking heads of FOX ranges from amateurish to expert.

Colin Powell held a little vile in front of the UN in an act of wrold wide manipulation.

Making policies that hide the truth or limit expression are examples of evil manipulation. Also:

Tear, Redefinitions, rewriting history, opposite facts, frosting an issue with religion, emotional outbursts and repetition repetition repetition are the calling cards of right wing manipulation.

Humor and facts are the basic manipulation tools of the left. What is missing from this approach is the emotional outburst and repetition.

As a hypnotist I would suggest ramping up repitition and emotional presentations and even factual fear to the hilt.